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4592 Beech Road, Temple Hills, MD 20748


The Critical Importance of Disinfecting Your Commercial Establishment

The extreme importance of disinfectants should never be underestimated in any commercial establishment. In fact, disinfection is the best way of controlling many different infectious diseases.

Since people regularly visit commercial and public spaces, they are vulnerable to various types of viral infections. Baskets and trolleys, along with cash counters, tables, chairs, and doorknobs, are all high-risk areas for lurking bacteria, viruses and other pathogens that can infect an unsuspecting victim.

However, you can easily avoid this by disinfecting and deodorizing your premises. Let’s take a quick look at the key benefits of disinfecting your property:

Greater Productivity

Employee morale would be higher if the air smells clean and the place is germ-free. It would also mean fewer sick leaves and lower premiums for employee compensation insurance. Your staff members would love working at your premises and will be more productive and energetic. Your turnover rate will decrease as well, which would mean your trained workforce would remain with you for a long time.

Long Term Savings

Dirty cabinets, shelves, and other areas can become breeding grounds for vermin in addition to microscopic contamination. Moreover, your products will spoil faster and lead to lower customer footfall. This, in turn, will reflect negatively on your brand’s image and equity, and you will have to spend more on advertising and marketing efforts.

However, using disinfectants and deodorizers will ensure a healthy and sweet-smelling environment that would appeal to employees and customers alike. This will also have a positive impact on your brand’s overall reputation.

Ultimately, regular disinfection of your premises would create a neat, clean, and healthy work environment that will help attract customers as well as retain your employees. At the same time, post-disinfection deodorizing would clean the air and eliminate any residual odors from your place of business.